Top Tips to Keep in Touch With Your Customers

//Top Tips to Keep in Touch With Your Customers

Top Tips to Keep in Touch With Your Customers


If you’ve checked your inbox recently, the chances are you’ve been sent a number of friendly marketing emails from shops or organizations you have used in the past. You may have ever read some of them, though many customers don’t.


The key to effective ongoing customer communication is striking a balance between providing relevant, interesting information that people want to hear and bombarding them with a non-stop list of offers. Nobody responds well to being inundated with emails about the same thing several times a week but a well-timed SMS message or a carefully worded message about an upcoming sale could generate more business. This article explains some of the most effective ways to keep in touch with your customers.







  1. Email


Since GDPR was introduced in Europe, the rules on what can and can’t be included in marketing emails have changed slightly. The U.S has different regulations, though the principals are similar. Emailing your customers with details of new offers and deals can be great but to make this effective, timing is everything. One or two emails per week or per month, sent at a time when the customer is likely to be looking for a product or service will be far more effective than a daily avalanche of spam. Most internet users don’t have the time or the inclination to read hundreds of marketing emails every day, so use this medium sparingly to get the best results.


  1. SMS


This is often overlooked when it comes to communication options between businesses and customers but it can be an extremely effective way of getting information out quickly. Keep texts short and to the point and always ensure you have permission to contact your customers before sending anything. (They will usually have opted in to receiving communications at an earlier date, unsolicited messages are not a good marketing tool.) This technique allows you to reach large numbers of existing customers quickly which makes it perfect for advertising new products, sales or upcoming events that you think your client base may be interested in. Targeting people who have already used your business like this can be extremely effective.

  1. Customer Feedback Forms


Feedback forms on e-commerce sites have been commonplace for years and are a fantastic way for business owners to engage with their customers directly. Thanking people for positive reviews shows you care about the people who use your products or services and a professional response to a complaint or low star review demonstrates that you are constantly trying to improve. Unlike email, this form of communication is still very public, so to ensure that you maintain your brand voice and stay positive at all times.


  1. Social Media Platforms


Now more than ever, social media is essential for business. Having a managed twitter, facebook and Instagram account is a good starting point and as a general rule, many of your followers should convert to being actual customers eventually, though this will depend on what you post. Social media is changing and through the human touch is important, users are increasingly using these platforms to find news stories, watch videos and connect with other people. Direct messages to customers should never be overlooked and responding to all comments on a facebook or twitter feed should be the first port of call, however, you can seriously increase the number of followers you have by posting links to articles, news stories or other content that is relevant to your industry. Better still, linking to content you created yourself shows you are not only a trusted retailer or service provider but also an authority in your industry.


  1. Offline Marketing


This style of marketing should never be ignored. Physical posters, flyers or billboards can still be one of the most effective ways of generating attention and making potential customers aware of who you are and what you do. Things like leafleting campaigns can be helpful if you are trying to target specific areas or types of people and the old-fashioned but still essential staple of the marketing world, the business card, can help to leave a lasting impression after a chance meeting at an airport or coffeeshop. Offline marketing should fill the gaps your online campaign leaves but it should also be in keeping with your brand voice. This mains any colour schemes, text or images used in your digital branding should be reflected in any physical materials you decide to use.


  1. Telephone


Though many millennials may try to convince you otherwise, talking on the phone is still an important part of the day to day world. Marketing calls to customers are a great way of finding out what your clients are looking for and can also let you ask questions about how they rate your service. Unlike a publicly visible feedback form on a website, direct phone conversations are a little more private meaning some people are more likely to be honest with you about their experiences. There is also the old-fashioned, human element at play here. A warm, friendly human voice often creates a far more positive response than a body of text on a screen.


  1. Banner Ads


Banner ads are quick to make, usually quite cheap and still very effective when it comes to generating a buzz about your business. Placing banner ads on the sites your potential customer’s frequent means they will associate you with the brands they already know and trust. Keep text to a minimum and try to include some kind of call to action if you can. Though this sounds a little primitive, it is important to ensure every element in your banner ad is relevant, necessary and promoting your business in the best possible way.

  1. Videos


Whether on Youtube, Vimeo or hosted on your own site, a professional video advert can make your business stand out among the competition. Generally, youtube adverts are short and to the point, but you can potentially link to longer videos that explain a little more about what you do and who you are. The key is to ensure the production values (image quality, sound, text, voice artists etc) is of a high standard as this directly reflects on your organisation.


2018-12-03T14:06:10-05:00December 3rd, 2018|