Angular JavaScript VS the JavaScript you know and love

//Angular JavaScript VS the JavaScript you know and love

Angular JavaScript VS the JavaScript you know and love

JavaScript is the most important language on the internet. It seems strange to look for an alternative, even if it does come from the same stable. However, it is the nature of technology and internet development that things must move forward. So, the question is: what does angular JavaScript offer that means you would be willing to make the switch?

What’s the difference between the two?

Let’s look at JavaScript first of all. It is a library of instructions that help you to simplify common web tasks. So, you type in the command in the form of coding and the common tasks are enacted on your website – well, it is enacted by the user’s computer really – as it is their browser that interprets the coding. Seems straightforward enough, once you are aware of the library of queries that you can use. It is the mostly widely accepted coding language – web pages will show up in fully-featured in the major web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer – to just name a few.

Angular JavaScript or AngularJS as it is lovingly known, is a JavaScript framework that is made for building single-page web applications. This does not mean your site will have one page – it means that your site can be accessed without going through a log-in screen. AngularJS is a full frontend MVC framework that was built at Google HQ. It is a framework upon which an entire web application.

So, why use AngularJS?

Put simply, AngularJS simplifies the front-end development of your website. Why? Well, it makes much of the code you would have had to write completely redundant. AngularJS means you use HTML as the template language and allows for the extension of HTML’s syntax for the application’s components – in a way that is effortless – or so the sales pitch goes. What does this actually mean? Well, it means there are a list of directives you can use and then there is the option to create customer directives.

Most people believe that AngularJS is only usable to create a single page application, but the truth is it can be used to build most types of applications. You can use features like two-way binding, templating, modularisation and more. It is a complete solution for front-end development. REST easy is probably one of its best features. This is one line of JavaScript that can quickly talk to a server. MVVM is pretty cool too, as it helps you organise your views and controllers, turning them into navigable URLs.

Another benefit of AngularJS is its parentage. AngularJS is managed by Google and some believe it gives you a head start with technical SEO – though this is debated – some believe you still need to prerender your site to help with the bots that come web crawling. Even if it doesn’t help your technical SEO there is still some comfort to be taken from knowing Google experts are behind AngularJS. Most frameworks are made by a community of skilled amateurs from the open source community. They may be skilled and passionate, but they do not have the backing enjoyed by Google engineers.

The great things Is that you can get started with AngularJS within minutes. It is easier than most coding languages and you can find command cheat sheets on the internet that help you get started with the most common directives.

Is this the future of web design?

It is highly likely that more and more websites will be dynamically powered by JavaScript. It makes the testing of sites quicker and easier and this is always going to be welcomed by web designers.

Will this be JavaScript in the form we know and love, or will web designers be lured by AngularJS? It is a powerful tool. It helps web designers to manage the project’s wireframes during development and testing – but also handles the high demands of animations and transitions. This means you can create powerful websites and applications without significantly decreasing load speed and click rate – both of which are crucial to technical SEO. This is good news for the user as well. It means web designers can produce rich web experiences without compromise – so we can expect that the sites we visit will offer an effortless and engaging user experience.

In conclusion

AngularJS is becoming the dominant JavaScript framework for web developers and designers. It is simple and easy to use, whilst offering great power to create a full web experience. There are now loads of AngularJS scripts and apps on the market that help you achieve more with the framework. You can find cropping tools, templates and more. However, if you go to you can download the framework for free – and get access to a whole host of examples and tutorials.

JavaScript in the form that we know, and love is not dead. It is still the pre-eminent coding language on the internet. However, AngularJS is adding an ease and flexibility with front-end web development that is making it increasingly appealing to web developers and designers alike. AngularJS requires less writing and the code is cleaner and easier to understand. This means you are less likely to make errors with AngularJS. AngularJS is quicker because it modifies the page DOM directly and it easily embeds with another app – so is seen as a good team player.

However, if we were going to cut through all the tech speak we would suggest that using plain JavaScript leaves you open to a maintenance nightmare. AngularJS and other apps like it help avoid this and therefore make your life easier.

2018-04-10T18:31:41-05:00March 29th, 2018|